Sunday, May 08, 2005

AHHH Crap!

Oh man.

So I was just eating a poptart this morning. It was one of those strawberry poptarts with the frosting on it. So anyway, I'm eating this and all the sudden I remember HOLY BEJESUS I HAVE A BLOG!

I mean, whoops. I totally forgot for like 4 (or 5,6,7?) months.

So what to write about. Well most people yammer on about there daily lives and all. Specifically, they complain about work and such. I suppose that would be boring, but you'll notice I don't talk about such things here. And that is for a reason.

I reason I can't say...

A deep, dark, extremely dark, SECRET.


A secret I can't say.

Well now you're interested in my secret aren't you? Well forget it, cause this SECRET allows me to goof off all day and yet still get paid for it. That's right.

Life is good.

Oh, and dear anonymous:

I've fallen in love with you during the course of our brief correspondence. Please write again.

The Most Important Person In The Universe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the most important question I am left with after this post is ' what on earth would possess anyone to eat a poptart?' ;)

May 25, 2005 at 9:23 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Well the possessing demon in question was named "Q'Ro'Quel" and he is, of course, master of all things pop-tart related. He doesn't actually hail from earth, more of a nomadic demon who enjoys randomly meandering throughout the universe, but I guess at the time he possessed me he was "on earth." And I think that answers your question.

May 26, 2005 at 9:56 PM  

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